Saturday, 5 January 2008

Brunstrom strikes again. Hypocrites tremble.

Richard Brunstrom, Wales' favourite Chief Constable has done it again.

This time, it's a suggestion that illegal drugs be made legal in order to avoid the need for addicts to commit crimes in order to feed their addiction. Further, that it also allows monitoring and, hopefully, may allow an addict to free themselves from their addiction.

This seems perfectly sensible to me, as all the figures available seem to suggest that a high proportion of crimes are committed for drug purchase, by addicts who have no real interest in criminal activity, apart from, as a means of 'survival'.

I will not dwell too much on the whys and wherefores of the matter except to voice my support for the Chief Constable's view.

Naturally his words have attracted much opprobrium from many, who obviously still believe the spin that the 'war on drugs' is winnable. That 'war' is continually lost until tobacco and alcohol are added to the list of proscribed drugs.

Paul Flynn's blog kindly sets out the Lancet's opinion of the relative dangers of the common 'recreational' drugs. Paul also scoffs at Chris Bryant's hysterical outburst containing yet another call for Brunstrom to resign. This doesn't really help Chris's desperate attempts to lose his Y-front image.

Over at Normal Mouth's, the ever predictable Glyn Davies also makes his second call in as many months for Brunstrom's resignation. He claims that Brunstrom's "campaign to legalise drugs that are currently illegal, is not consistant with him remaining as a Chief Constable".

Normal has asked Glyn for an explanation and Glyn has yet to respond.

Don't hold your breath Normal.

The 'Brunstrom' saga has appeared previously on Glyn's blog and, having asked some quite pertinent questions, I was fobbed off with some rubbish about having moved on. Perhaps it was my mention of the fact that if Alcohol were to be proscribed it would cause him great personal despair as his beloved game of Rugby would not survive without its booze culture. Further, I would also suggest that it would mean and end to most of what we euphemistically describe as Welsh culture. Ban booze and Wales dies.

Well, now that Glyn has broached the subject I might as well mention it here again. Maybe my reader would care to respond as well.

Mind altering substances have been an integral part of our Islands' 'culture' since time immemorial. There have been opinions cast over millenia regarding the use or misuse of these substances, none of these opinions having had the slightest effect.

People just seem to love their drug induced altered states of consciousness. In today's 'culture' there appears to be a strong liking for drugs such as cocaine, cannabis, opiates and various fungi. These are illegal to use but, nevertheless, are enjoyed by many.

Two of the most pernicious and deadly drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco, are sold with the full encouragement of Government, by way of taxation. Whatever happened to our sense of fair play?

Alcohol, in particular, does massive societal damage, yet is accepted with an attitude of casuality until the harmful effects are a matter of personal or family concern.

I am at a loss to understand how Glyn can call for the resignation of a professional policeman at the top of his 'tree', with a clearly considered professional opinion, as opposed to Glyn, snuffling around at the 'roots', with little knowledge of 'drug' matters, apart, that is, from what he reads in the papers.

It seems somewhat hypocritical of Glyn to call for Brunstrom's resignation when Glyn is an active proponent and user of one of the most dangerous and deadly drugs in today's society.

Despite the legality of Glyn's chosen recreational drug, it would appear to be a standpoint hardly consistent with prospective Parliamentary candidature.

Your pal.


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At 7 January 2008 at 18:45 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one has any answers for the Drugs problem, may be they should appoint a commissioner for drug users and pay them a huge salary for making comments, like the one appointed today.
May be changing the name from a drugs problem to a drugs challenge may help, and then we could spend more money on useless publications.
Be hard on the causes of drug taking and the racketeers bringing in these drugs may be good too. Wine drinking among middle class women is a growing problem of addiction, the smoking drug nicotine is more addictive than heroin, but that feeds the government coffers and so I guess not too much will be done about that.
Chris Bryant what a plonker

At 8 January 2008 at 02:58 , Blogger johnny foreigner said...

Come on Mam, don't despair, the answers are out there somewhere.

Maybe Mr. Brunstrom's comments deserve closer scrutiny and analysis.

Obviously, the media have picked up on his comment that Ecstasy is safer than Aspirin. Statistically and physiologically it is. That is not to say that either are entirely safe to take. It is generally the side effects of either drug that causes the problems. Overdose being a major problem with Aspirin due to its commonality and dehydration with Ecstasy

He identifies the real problem with Ecstasy as being more about quality control than its misuse.

The legislation and prohibition against drug use has been a spectacular failure and continues to be so. The stat. hounds can bear this out.

Mind altering substances have been an integral part of our culture for millenia and are being increasingly used by all sectors of our society. Basically speaking, people love 'em.

I naturally include Alcohol and Tobacco in this.

I find it somewhat hypocritical for some people to condemn drug taking whilst pouring copious amounts of Alcohol down their throats and puffing clouds of Tobacco smoke everywhere.

I hear no calls for a ban on Alcohol or Tobacco, despite them being the two most dangerous drugs that parts of our society have chosen to use.

In this free and democratic society of ours, surely a person's drug of choice should be exactly that.

With regard to Brunstrom's comments regarding the more addictive Heroin and Cocaine, he has, again, used his professional judgement and knowledge and has come to the conclusion that a more controlled management of addicts is far preferable to the current situation where so much crime is committed through desperation for these drugs.

The use of mind altering substances is here to stay. Get used to it.

These uncomfortable truths must be addressed and I would prefer to listen to a knowledgeable expert like Mr. Brunstrom than an opportunist pipsqueak like Chris Bryant, who offers no solution apart from his opinion that Brunstrom is wrong.

Your pal.


At 8 January 2008 at 10:12 , Blogger Miss Wagstaff said...

You can't help thinking that Brunstrom has political plans for his retirement.

At 8 January 2008 at 22:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have u seen Dylan Jones Evans blog on this

At 8 January 2008 at 23:08 , Blogger johnny foreigner said...

Thanks for the heads-up, Nonny. I've had a word or three.

Your pal.


At 8 January 2008 at 23:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more. What is more, given that the vast majority of people born after 1960 are to some degree familiar with the subject of drug use, it beggars belief that politicians are so scared of the issue that they prefer to blast Brunstrom rather than contribute anything constructive to the issue.
Anyone would think this was the 80s.

To date, as far as I'm aware, the only Welsh politicians who have bothered to address the subject are, as you mentioned, Paul Flynn, and Adam Price (HERE).

At 9 January 2008 at 05:45 , Blogger johnny foreigner said...

Knock, knock,

Who's there?


Ordo who?

Ordon't be a **** all your life.

Come on in, Ordo. Sit down and welcome, I'll get the kettle on. Now where did I put my best cup? The one without a crack.

Move up the rest of you, make room by the fire, we have an honoured guest who has travelled from afar.

Nice to see you Ordo.

Unfortunately, I feel a slight disagreement coming on.

I'm afraid that I have to disagree with your chronology.

The current proliferation of widespread drug use in this country started in the late 50's and early 60s. This was the coming of the Baby Boomers from the deprivations of the 40s, who were in their 'teens and early twenties at the time. Get Paul Flynn to introduce you to his best pal Howard Marks. He could tell you a tale or two. In fact he's still telling them.

It has been observed by many that if you experienced the 1960s without some contact with drugs, then you weren't there.

In fact the use of mind altering substances is, and has been for millenia, an integral part of our British culture. I expect Merlin himself, if he ever existed of course, would have been an adept in the use of such substances.

Unfortunately we are governed by people who have absolutely no answer to the ever growing demand for one or other of the mind altering sustances. Obviously this includes Alcohol and Tobacco.

Their best effort to date has been the introduction of 24 hour drinking with threats of Fire and Brimstone if you would prefer an 'E' or a couple of spliffs.

Talk about a nanny state. They even want to choose your recreational drugs for you.

It's getting more like 1984 by the day.

I'm glad to see that we agree that Mr. Brunstrom has, at least, the courage to engage in 'out-of-the-box' thinking and seeks a viable solution. This is so unlike our government, who seem to think that they can cure all by legislation.

I'm pretty sure that his intentions are to bring about greater control and monitoring and hopefully a reduction in the use of the more addictive substances that seem to take more than they give.

Please feel free to drop by any time, Ordo. It's nice to see you.

You be on your best behaviour, and I'll be on mine.

Your pal.


Who shuffles off strumming G/C //// Em //// B7//// Em7 and singing to himself..............When you're down and you're troubled and you need a helping hand.......

I'll let you finish it Ordo.

At 11 January 2008 at 16:42 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you noticed that Sanddef Rhyferys has created a Wikipedia page for himself. "It is one of the most widely-read political blogs in Wales." His ego. Ha ha.

At 11 January 2008 at 20:55 , Blogger johnny foreigner said...

Thanks for the heads-up Nonny.

I notice that he now spells the name of his blog as ORDOVICIOUS.

Whatever happened to spellcheckers?

Let's see how long it takes to be corrected.

Your pal.


At 12 January 2008 at 15:15 , Blogger johnny foreigner said...

The misspelling of Ordo's name is a common error amongst writers, and this particular error seems to have certain Freudian connotations.

You may have noticed that Ordo has posted here supporting my viewpoint on the Brunstrom saga and that I have posted regarding Disability matters on his blog, without deletion.

It would appear that Ordo and I agree on some things but not others.

Nevertheless, it would appear that dialogue is taking place.

Of course, there is always Ordo's vile publicly made slur that I am a racist to consider. This has yet to be withdrawn.

Incidentally, Ordo's alter ego, Sanddef, appears to translate into something to do with saintliness.

The making of such unjustified accusations against me seems to fly in the face of any saintliness. He still has the opportunity to withdraw the slur.

Could it be that he is considering a change of heart? I do hope so.

Your pal.


At 13 January 2008 at 16:40 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find great difficulty reading Ords anymore since he has that hideous pattern on his blog.
My friend tells me it wont even load properly on her PC.
Ive asked him why, but no answer yet.
Whats the man playing at - he isnt a designer.
Whats wrong with having a wiki page, apart from u lay yourself wide open to additions etc.

At 14 January 2008 at 02:31 , Blogger johnny foreigner said...

Hello Mam.

You're not the first to comment on the new look template that Ordo has used.

The vegetation, combined with the 'jerkiness', slowness of loading and colour of the text when scrolling are all a bit of a pain, but, after all, as Ordo has stated previously, his blog is not a public service and furthermore he likes his blog as it is. So there.

He claims that there is too much glare on the old blog and that this is easier for him to read. Who are we to argue with that?

There again, I always thought that a blog was for others to read.

It would appear that alongside the new look blog there is a hint of a new look Ordo.

You may have noticed that Ordo and I have engaged in un-deleted dialogue both here and on his blog (Dave's shit idea). Could this be part of the Big Conversation? I do hope so.

Despite the previous and obvious disagreements between Ordo and I, it would appear that we agree on the matter of the Brunstrom saga and also regarding David Cameron's latest ill-thought plans for Welfare Reform.

I have done a little research on Ordo's particular ocular ailment and have discovered that the 'strange' colouration of his blog apparently appears to make text reading easier for him.

Therefore, may I ask that we cut him a little slack and support him in his blogging efforts.

A least he does something worthwhile, and uses his time to seek to upgrade his computing skills. He new look blog certainly supports this, despite our criticism.

With regard to his Wikipedia entry, I am a little surprised to see that the misspelt OrdoviciOus entry hasn't been altered. Maybe it's just an intentional Freudian slip.

I also note Ordo's previous experience as a busker.

Having a little musical ability myself, maybe we should start a band.

I can just see it now:

For one night only:

Sponsored by alanindyfed productions.

'Ordo and Johnny' in Concert.

Playing songs of the Nation and the Union.

Stranger things have happened at sea.

Your pal.


At 20 January 2008 at 11:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Johnny
Does this mean that I have to find sunglasses to read Ordo?
He doesnt answer emails so I know nothing of his reasons for the dreadful look of his otherwise good blog.
I do notice now that another, sign in gismo pops up, but if u click it off twice it goes.
A band great count me in - I play tenor sax and sing.

At 26 January 2008 at 04:37 , Blogger johnny foreigner said...

Hello Mam.

Tenor Sax eh! and a singer too.

Is there no end to your talents?

Now, let me see, alanindyfed's always blowing his own trumpet, so there's another.

Unfortunately, I'll have to audition him as he is frequently off-key and dischordant and needs a good tune up.

I'v got a great name for the band:

How's about BLOGIO?

Now switch off your computer and get practising.

Your pizzicatic pal.


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