Friday, 16 May 2008

Damned if you do. Damned if you don't

Regular readers of this blog will know all about the UNUM Provident Centre for Psychosocial and Disability Research based at Cardiff University. It’s Director, Professor Mansel Aylward, is the former Chief Medical Adviser at the DWP, who moved to the UNUM Provident bankrolled Centre several years ago.

The UNUM Centre has been one of the leading forces in trying to make it harder for people to be signed off sick by their GPs. Staff from UNUM were also prominent in the design of the current Personal Capability Assessment and also the new, much harsher Work Capability Assessment. Professor Aylward is, in addition, involved in research for the DWP and for Dame Carol Black, proponent of the replacement of sick-notes with ‘well-notes’.

All the more surprising, is that the centre is carrying out research in to ‘presenteeism’ for the Welsh Assembly. Presenteeism, apparently, is the culture of working ridiculously long hours and not taking time off when sick. According to Professor Aylward, presenteeism costs the country ten times more than sickness absence.

The learned Professor, who has spent many years telling people that the best cure for illness is work, now claims that:

“The problems come from people who are ill, those who are not up to the mark, who are continuing to work.”

Presumably there is no possibility that the reason why people are chained to their desks till they drop is that their GP has been persuaded by DWP funded research that being signed off sick is bad for their patients’ health.

icWales have an account of this puzzling situation here:

So, it would now appear that if you are sick, you should go to work. On the other hand, if you are sick, you should stay at home.

This is clearly a ridiculous situation and further exposes the questionable methods used at the DWP to determine a Claimant's entitlement to Benefit.

Incidentally, has Prof. Aylward presented his proposals yet for the reconfiguration of Health Service provision in Rhondda Cynon Taf? I can't find it and it was due at the end of April. The worthy Prof. is probably about to run out of fingers for his many pies.

Your pal.


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Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Who's fingered all the pies?

What's he on about now, I hear you ask.

I have previously posted on the amount of 'pies' that our own Prof. Mansel Aylward has his fingers in. They range from the DWP, Medical Services, UNUM Insurance, you know, the ones described as "outlaws", The Shaw Trust, The Welsh Centre for Health, one of Rhodri's 'bonfire of the Quangos', and now the Venture Capitalist company ARKAGA.

Prof. Aylward, it seems, is a Director/Board Member of this company that prides itself on its ability to engage in 'leveraged buy out investments'. Their particular chosen area of investment is in Private Health Care and Management. A quick look at their site will explain more fully.

Interestingly enough, on their link labelled 'people', this appears to have been changed in the last couple of weeks. Previously they have trumpeted the fact that Prof. Aylward was one of their 'people' but now it has changed to a redacted version which identifies no-one. Spooky eh! They probably prefer anonymity.

This obviously deepens the mystery of why Mansel Aylward was specifically chosen by Edwina Hart AM, our Health Minister,to be the appropriate person to undertake the Health Care reconfiguration in the Rhondda Cynon Taf Area, given his apparent lack of experience of Public Health Care provision yet his massive experience and knowledge of the private Health Care and Insurance Industries

It may be noted from ARKAGA's site that they currently have investments in such companies as:


I would ask my reader to remember these names as I have every confidence that we will be hearing more of these, possibly in the field of 'preferred bidders'. You heard it here first.

I enclose a link to an interesting article by Johnathan Rutherford which clearly explains these questionable links between Government and the Private Sector.

Obviously, it may be assumed that our Health Minister, Edwina Hart AM, is fully aware of these connections and associations with the private health and medical insurance industries. I have yet to hear a single word from her or her acolyte Huw Lewis AM, which mentions anything to do with Mansel Aylward's deep involvement with the private sector, apart from their claim that he is a person of 'stature and integrity'. This 'stature and integrity' clearly relates his roles within the private sector and has little relevance to Public Health Care. Nevertheless, Prof. Aylward is deemed to be the appropriate person for the job. I wonder, why?

Could it be that there is a hidden agenda of Private Health Care provision in Edwina Hart's use of Aylward's 'skills'? If so, why no mention of it?

I make these observations for the benefit of those in the RCT area as they appear to be the 'guinea pigs' in what I see as an erosion of The NHS as we know and love it and the making available of enormous opportunities for the private sector to cash in on Public Health Care provision.

Incidentally. Mansel's report to Edwina Hart is a little overdue as it was promised to be presented by the end of April. I haven't been able to locate it so far. Has it been presented yet? I'd be grateful if my reader can inform me.

Your pal.


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Sunday, 4 May 2008

Oh the times, they are a-changing.

Well, the Council Elections have come and gone. The Stat. Hounds have done their duty and I've got percentages and percentiles coming from my ears, none of which will be found here.

Strangely enough, every Party seems to have trumpeted their successes despite the fact that there's now more Councils showing No Overall Control than ever.

Interestingly, the four Councils with Overall Control are held by the Tories and Labour who have previously been thought of as heading for oblivion. The other Parties and Independents can continue with their quests for glory and will continue to irritate us all.

Plaid have had their wins and losses. Carmarthenshire now revels in its Plaid success, whereas Gwynedd seems to prefer Llais Gwynedd. Funny old world isn't it? Rhondda Cynon Taf is still dominated by Labour and Cardiff looks forward to another coalition. The Liberals have eighteen new seats and everything in the political garden is rosy. We in the None of These Turkeys Party have also had a bit of a crow, with the news that turnouts have been low again. We await the full result of the spoilt papers just to put the icing on our particular little cake.

All this, of course, has been overshadowed by the resounding success of Boris Johnson with his trouncing of Ken Livingstone in the London Mayoral Election.

What on Earth has this to do with Wales, I hear you ask? The answer's simple really. The people of London have decided that it's time for a change. Off with the old and on with the new.

Many new styles and fashions filter down to the provinces from London. Maybe this political change is one of them.

Boris has been frequently been described as a buffoon and a clown and he now has his chance to prove otherwise. The Londoners are certainly prepared to give him the chance. He has said in a post election interview that if he doesn't produce significant results within his four year tenure, the the London electorate "can kick him out with gusto." None of this recently heard "we're listening and lessons have been learned" malarky that has recently been heard around Westminster.

Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling's recent ill-thought removal of the 10p Tax Band for the lower paid combined with the increases in the cost of food and fuel added to the realisation that the newly increased Car Tax bands will include just about all of the lower paid's 'old bangers' which they are already struggling to keep on the road, will, IMHO, sound the death knell for Gordon Brown within a few months. This change from grey must continue.

Of course, Boris's detractors will continue to snipe at him from the sidelines but I think that they sorely underestimate his intellect and determination. A scholarship to Eton is not easily won. The man's no fool. It has been said that he has no experience of running such a large budget but if that were to be a qualification for the job, candidates would be pretty thin on the ground.

Boris will bring in a 'broad church' of expertise and with his inimitable style will hopefully oversee a renewal of Londoners' fortunes and quality of life.

It must be noted that the BBC graphics during our elections, were coloured grey to indicate an area where there was No Overall Control. I wonder, was this deliberate or a subliminal indication of the true political colour of Wales. Dull, boring and virtually bereft of any character whatsoever.

Maybe we should adopt the colour grey as our National colour. It certainly seems to fit at the moment.

It has been stated previously that Wales needs some character in its political sphere. Pretty soon Wales will be seeking a new First Minister. This post can be easily equated to the London Mayoralty, not that our budget is anywhere near theirs.

What do we have in the way of candidates? I'm afraid it's the same old crop of grey party hacks with their undisclosed sub-agendas which frequently have more to do with their own party dogma as opposed to an interest in bettering the quality of life for the population of Wales.

Wales needs its own Boris in order to bring about this wind of change.

Rhodri, who it can be said, is a bit of a character, has left his mark on the Assembly. His boots will be difficult to fill. Wales sorely needs someone of character and charisma to step up to the mark in order to continue this wind of change.

Poor old Ieuan's attempts at character and 'humour' on his recent Party Political Broadcast were absolutely pathetic and unfunny. Paul Murphy tried to be statesmanlike but still epitomised the greyness of Welsh politics. Mike German continued with his empty reassurances and the Tory, I just can't recall. Grey, grey, grey.

Where's our Boris? Where's the one to put a smile on our grey faces? Where is that elusive person who can unite the Welsh with a sense of purpose and with good humour.

At the moment they all seem to be scuttling around networking and seeking support for their own particular shades of grey. Wales needs no more grey.

Come out, come out, wherever and whoever you are. Your Country needs YOU.

Your pal.


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