Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Who's fingered all the pies?

What's he on about now, I hear you ask.

I have previously posted on the amount of 'pies' that our own Prof. Mansel Aylward has his fingers in. They range from the DWP, Medical Services, UNUM Insurance, you know, the ones described as "outlaws", The Shaw Trust, The Welsh Centre for Health, one of Rhodri's 'bonfire of the Quangos', and now the Venture Capitalist company ARKAGA.

Prof. Aylward, it seems, is a Director/Board Member of this company that prides itself on its ability to engage in 'leveraged buy out investments'. Their particular chosen area of investment is in Private Health Care and Management. A quick look at their site http://www.arkagafund.com/ will explain more fully.

Interestingly enough, on their link labelled 'people', this appears to have been changed in the last couple of weeks. Previously they have trumpeted the fact that Prof. Aylward was one of their 'people' but now it has changed to a redacted version which identifies no-one. Spooky eh! They probably prefer anonymity.

This obviously deepens the mystery of why Mansel Aylward was specifically chosen by Edwina Hart AM, our Health Minister,to be the appropriate person to undertake the Health Care reconfiguration in the Rhondda Cynon Taf Area, given his apparent lack of experience of Public Health Care provision yet his massive experience and knowledge of the private Health Care and Insurance Industries

It may be noted from ARKAGA's site that they currently have investments in such companies as:


I would ask my reader to remember these names as I have every confidence that we will be hearing more of these, possibly in the field of 'preferred bidders'. You heard it here first.

I enclose a link to an interesting article by Johnathan Rutherford http://departmentofworkandpensions.blogspot.com/2007/12/jonathan-rutherford-writes-on-link.html which clearly explains these questionable links between Government and the Private Sector.

Obviously, it may be assumed that our Health Minister, Edwina Hart AM, is fully aware of these connections and associations with the private health and medical insurance industries. I have yet to hear a single word from her or her acolyte Huw Lewis AM, which mentions anything to do with Mansel Aylward's deep involvement with the private sector, apart from their claim that he is a person of 'stature and integrity'. This 'stature and integrity' clearly relates his roles within the private sector and has little relevance to Public Health Care. Nevertheless, Prof. Aylward is deemed to be the appropriate person for the job. I wonder, why?

Could it be that there is a hidden agenda of Private Health Care provision in Edwina Hart's use of Aylward's 'skills'? If so, why no mention of it?

I make these observations for the benefit of those in the RCT area as they appear to be the 'guinea pigs' in what I see as an erosion of The NHS as we know and love it and the making available of enormous opportunities for the private sector to cash in on Public Health Care provision.

Incidentally. Mansel's report to Edwina Hart is a little overdue as it was promised to be presented by the end of April. I haven't been able to locate it so far. Has it been presented yet? I'd be grateful if my reader can inform me.

Your pal.


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At 8 May 2008 at 20:49 , Blogger Robert said...

Nothing will surprise me now, never have I see the disabled come up so much pressure, this week about the use of the voice analyzers on BBC they use a karate expert who claimed benefits while working, an obvious cheat, but the main people for these voice analyzers will be people asking for child credits council tax and rent rebate, so why not show a council tax cheat.

Because it does not look so good

At 9 May 2008 at 01:51 , Blogger johnny foreigner said...

Hello Robert.

Thanks for your comment.

The BBC appears to be the official spokesperson for NuLabour. They continually support the 'demonization' of the disabled and give the impression that they are all scroungers. Their programmes 'Week in Week Out' and 'On the Fiddle' certainly achieved this.

On the other hand, I have a bulging portfolio of examples of maladministrations and flawed decisions made by the DWP and their agents combined with evidence of clear conflicts of interest between certain individuals, departments and private companies. This would be more than enough to start a series. It's such a 'can of worms' that the usual media outlets are currently reluctant to publish.

There's no doubt that some Benefit Fraud does take place. Unfortunately I have yet to hear the BBC state the actual percentage, currently 0.06%.

I would suggest that this is far below the percentage of MPs who 'manipulate' their expenses.

Nevertheless, the probing will continue.

Your pal.


At 15 May 2008 at 08:51 , Blogger Robert said...

Take a look at the professors new idea, to many people are working when sick costing the country more then sickness benefits, has somebody shown this idiot the way or perhaps he had a dream in which god said Mansell I gave you brains bloody use them.

I have just seen the new WCA which is the working capability assessment even though I have got 188 points on the PCA and I only need 15, the WCA would mean I would be placed onto JSA because I can move my wheelchair on my own 90ft

At 16 May 2008 at 03:41 , Blogger johnny foreigner said...

Hello Robert.

I've just made a posting on this and I just cannot see the logic of Mansel Aylward's opinion. It certainly needs explanation.

With my limited knowledge of your situation I doubt that you would be moved to JSA. More likely you would be placed on ESA Employment Support Allowance. Of course, no word yet of all this employment which will be made available for the disabled.

Your pal.



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