Thursday, 27 September 2007

Yet more blog censorship - Welsh Nationalist style.

I have just returned from Ordovicius' blog and I am amazed to see that he is complaining about 'blog censorship'.

As readers may know, I am banned from his blog, for my contrary views, and have been labelled and libelled as a 'racist'.

Of course, he provides no indication of any evidence for his allegation and merely states that his blog is not a 'public service', and yet he uses other people's blogs in that self same manner. Just a minor hypocrisy, more to follow.

Unfortunately, irrespective of Ordo's blog being a public service or not, it certainly does not give him the right to make such scurrilous allegations without evidence to back it up.

Presumably, Ordo, the self styled 'Free Range Welsh Nationalist', seeks to restrict the 'range' of free-thinking opinion if it differs from his somewhat narrow and blinkered views.

It seems coincidental to me that I am also banned from alanindyfed's and Welsh Independence, which just happen to be Welsh Nationalist blogs as well.

Just what is it with these Nationalists? Is it one rule for them and another for the rest of us?

I have contributed to a number of blogs and have stated my views openly and although the blog owners may not necessarily agree with my views, they nevertheless address them and put forward their own rebuttals in a civilised manner.

This is what dialogue, debate, blogging and the 'Big Conversation' are all about.

Ordo further states:

"I suggest that such people move to China, where I'm sure they'll feel much more comfortable with the blogosphere."

Am I to take it that Ordo has already booked his ticket or is this just another example of his Welsh Nationalist hypocrisy?

I have previously posted on what appears to be racist imagery on alanindyfed's Welsh Nationalist blog and although comments were left, there wasn't one that addressed the matter concerned. I wonder why?

The ill-considered use of the word 'racism' and the activity itself are abhorrent in this diverse world of ours, yet some people bandy the word around without a single idea or concept of the reality of racism.

I invite Ordo, yet again, to withdraw his allegation or to provide evidence to support it.

Better still, as he indicates that he will be able to identify me, Extreme Tracker eh! I would invite him to knock on my door at any time and make his allegation to my face. I won't hold my breath.

If Ordo has the courage to address the matter I would gladly accept a withdrawal of his allegation and leave it at that.

If not, this matter is not going to go away, as he has caused offence to others apart from myself.

I would wish to keep this in the public domain as it clearly exemplifies the true nature of Welsh Nationalism in its crudest form.

Your persistently polemic pal.


Monday, 24 September 2007

It started with a kiss..........

I have been tagged by Valleys Mam to provide you with my first political memories.

Yer tiz.........................................and not a mythical dragon to be seen.

My parents, having mildly supported the Conservative party, before, during and after WW11, were never particularly 'politically' minded after the War. They were too busy providing for us as a family.

My first political memory was of me standing on our front wall, being held by my mother. A group of men and women were coming along our street speaking to the neighbours and shaking hands.

A man approached, and with a big smile, exclaimed "what a handsome chap", obviously referring to me.

Without further ado, he grabbed me and planted an unsolicited kiss on my cheek. My mother recoiled in horror at this mans antics. I started crying, and my father, unceremoniously, told him to "bugger off". He did, with no delay and muttered apology.

That man was George Thomas, later Lord Tonypandy and Speaker of the House of Commons.

A couple of years later as a young urchin, I had further political fun with my mates.

At Election time we would badger the 'committee rooms' of the Labour and Conservative parties in the area to see if we could get any posters and leaflets. We smiled angelically and promised to deliver them in order to help their cause.

They were only too glad of the help. Unbeknown to them, they were playing into our hands.

This was just the start of the fun.

We armed ourselves with jam jars of industrial strength flour and water paste and crept around the area looking for houses that were displaying electoral posters.

A few deft strokes of a 'gluey' hand and Labour supporting houses were transformed into Conservative supporters and vice versa.

Of course, we ran the risk of the occasional 'thick ear' but young legs served us well.

On the way home, we always tried to go by way of the 'committee rooms' and with concerted effort and much glue, we covered their posters with the opposing party's. Good planning ensured that we were never caught.

On Election day more fun was to be had by following the candidates around the area and regaling them with a chorus of:

Vote, vote, vote for (insert as required)
Kick old (the opponent) out of the door
If I had a penny pie
I would slap it in his eye
And he wouldn't come round for voting anymore.

For all his sins, as a Labour man, nevertheless, George Thomas was a good constituency representative and, as my mother told him in later years, "if it were a vote for the man, Mr. Thomas, you may have had a vote from me. Unfortunately, you belong to the wrong Party".

Further political memories were of stories of my grandfather's stance, during the General Strike of 1926 wherein he showed his loyalty to the Great Western Railway, who had employed him from 14 years of age. He refused to join the strike and on more than one occasion fought his way into work. His stance was that they had given him the opportunity to work when he was penniless and had nothing but himself to offer. They gave him the opportunity to prove himself, and, as he said, he owed all that he had to them. A man of great principle, courage and honour.

As children we were always reminded of our Britishness. It was this Britishness that had saved our country from the Nazi threat. My father, having been in the rearguard at Dunkirk and promoted for his efforts, always insisted that we stood to attention for the British National Anthem and ensured that we were reminded of the traitorous activities of the Welsh Nationalists in their mission to distance themselves from their Britishness despite enjoying the fruits of British efforts. Their founder, Saunders Lewis, was singled out for much distaste, due mainly to his campaign to prevent English children, from the industrial heartlands of England, being evacuated to the more remote areas of Wales, on the grounds that they would "pollute" the 'culture' and language.

Presumably he preferred them to be killed by the Luftwaffe bombs rather than his so-called 'culture' suffer this "pollution" by innocent children. Plaid, of course, have selectively short memories of this and have sought to airbrush this particular incident from their history.

In the early sixties I was a student of existentialism, with long hair and a style of dress hitherto unseen in Wales. An original proponent of the Peace and Love generation. Cool man. I was an enthusiastic reader of Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg and Freidrich Nietzsche, and having read the I Ching and The Tibetan book of the Dead I was clearly destined to achieve great things as a forward looking and philosophical thinker.

Around that time the Committee of 100 was formed as a more militant side of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. I embraced the cause with enthusiasm.

I attended the mass demonstration of 'civil disobedience' outside Cardiff Castle in the company of Bertrand Russell and numerous other eminent demonstrators, and experienced for the first time the consequences of political dissent.

At the given signal, we all sat down in the middle of the road, much to the consternation of the Police and onlookers. Cardiff had never seen such antics before.

The Police initially asked us, "just what do you think you lot are doing"?

"Demonstrating against Atom Bombs" was the chorused reply.

"You can't do that here, now move along".

Naturally, we refused in a pacifist and non-violent manner.

The Police, on the other hand, unversed in the niceties of non-violent demonstration had, by now, had enough, and with little ceremony, 'arm and legged' us to the pavements, from where we naturally returned to the roadway and resumed our sedentary demonstration.

A number of us, of a more recognisable appearance, were singled out for more robust removal methods but, nevertheless, maintained our pacifist attitude. At least until some over-enthusiastic Officers decided that a bit of literal arm twisting was required. A few shins were kicked and we made our escape as best we could. I had failed the test of pacifism.

A few years later I had a couple of life changing experiences, which turned my life around and have made me the person that I am today, details of which must, for the time being, come under the heading of 'too much information'.

Now in retirement, I merely note, with little surprise, the dishonesty, self service and cavalier disregard for probity of our current crop of politicians. As my Grandma used to say, "they've got more faces than the Town Hall clock".

This has been my incentive to promote a legislative requirement to vote, with the provision of an option for the "None Of These Turkeys" or "None Of The Above" Party alongside the other candidates.

This is my truth, tell me yours.

Just for fun, if they read my humble blog, I'd like to tag Paul Flynn, Ceredig and Aled Edwards.

Your positively patriotic yet plucked from the past pal.


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Sunday, 16 September 2007

Ya gi' dem a hinch, dem a tek a yard.

Thus spake the illustrious Bob Marley.

The latest pronouncement by Ieuan Wyn Jones, to his Nationalist acolytes, that he seeks:

"a full law-making parliament under the Scottish model by 2011", clearly exemplifies Mr. Marley's words.

This is a prime example of the arrogance of the Nationalists.

He's only been in office for a few weeks and already he's setting out a proposal without the slightest indication of how he aims to achieve this.

He's rather long on aspiration, but seems to be short on substance in terms of how this is to be achieved.

Plaid continually refer to the Scots and Irish as their model for their Nationalist aspirations yet still fail to recognise or even acknowledge the fact that the ever pragmatic Scots and Irish have abandoned any linguistic demands and now enjoy a growing number of supporters for more self -determination.

Plaid on the other hand, have failed to see that this evolution of ideology is at the heart of Celtic self-determination.

Plaid have now, according to the South Wales Echo, confirmed that they wish to bring in a 'New Welsh Language Act' which will embody the requirement, backed by legislative compulsion, for businesses operating within Wales to provide their goods and services through the medium of Welsh, on pain of damages by Civil Action.

This particular subject has had much discussion on the blogmosphere in the last few weeks. Unfortunately, the Nationalists seem to think that the unwilling majority in Wales are just going to accept this simply stupid idea.

Not one cogent reason for this legislative compulsion has yet been put forward.
The only reasons that I have seen, to date, seem to revolve around this mysterious 'culture', and self acquired 'rights' that they continually 'harp' on about.

I would be most grateful if anyone could kindly enlighten me as to the nature of this 'culture' as, quite honestly, having been Welsh born and bred, I feel that I have been by-passed by this 'culture' as I do not really wish to revert to the days of the coal industry or even to the mythical days of Merlin and Owain Glyndwr.

My fervent hope is for a successful, modern and outward-looking Wales as a part of a successful and powerful UK, for the clear benefit of all inhabitants of this Union, that has to date ensured our wealth, security and International influence.

As Plaid President, Dafydd Iwan says, he would wish us to be ranked amongst what he describes as "countries too often ignored" e.g. Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Slovenia.

Does he see us as a country from which many of their young people, as soon as they are able, wish to leave and gain entry to the more 'noticed' countries of the EU, including the UK?

Not for me thanks.

Normal Mouth has analogised the clear linguistic division in Wales as a 'cleavage'.

This seems to fit the bill in a somewhat Freudian manner as Plaid appear to wish to nestle in the 'cleavage' of the breasts marked 'Public Funding' and 'Legislative Compulsion'.

In other words, "we'll force you and make you pay for our Nationalistic dreams".

I rather think that they'll have a fight on their hands.

Your pal.



Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Is it 'coz I is black?

Just having returned from alanindyfed's ex-blog I am a little concerned at the new imagery that he uses in order to promote his extreme views.

There are two images of, presumably, Alan's choice of representative imagery for the Nationalist cause.

The first image, pin sharp, shows some rather 'foxy' and sylphlike caucasian ladies proudly displaying their Welshness in their Welsh flag frocks.

The second image, somewhat pixellated, shows some barely distinguishable ladies, including a black lady, wearing the Union flag.

It immediately becomes apparent to me, that in Alan's Nationalistic Nirvana there is no place for black people. I wonder why?

I have previously indicated to Alan that he himself is the descendant of a black man and he chooses not to respond. I again wonder why.

His imagery is labelled "Take your pick, Wales or the Union".

It logically follows that Alan's choice of people to represent the imagery of Nationalistic Wales appears not to include any black people.

These pictures have painted many words in my mind that lead me to think that there may be some sinister sub-agenda with Alan's Nationalist fervour.

Again, I ask that some 'official' representative of Plaid Cymru, Cymdeithas or Cymuned either support or condemn Alan's operations which appear to be entirely on their behalf.

Anyone care to comment?

Monday, 10 September 2007

I don't believe it!

Now, there's me, relaxing quite comfortably, thinking that alanindyfed had banned me from his blog. So I thought to myself, I know, I'll send him a cheeky posting (got to get the last word in now and then, haven't you? I thought, he's not going publish it anyway.

Well, to my surprise he's been and gone and published it, and responded.

This prompts so many questions.

1. Am I banned or am I banned?

2. Did Alan miss me already?

3. Was it just another Nationalist lie?

4. Will I have to check my watch if he wishes me a good morning?

5. Could it be that Alan has been overcome with contrition for his rather nasty blog?

6. Has Alan become a decent and reasonable Nationalist who can be relied upon to stand his corner without resorting to 'throwing his toys out of the pram'?

7. Do I really need a psychoanalyst, as he suggests? I was always told that it takes one to know one. Maybe he and I are kindred spirits? We'll see.

So many questions.

Here's a good 'un.

With regard to Alan's outrageous posting regarding British troops from Wales, is there any chance of anyone from Cymuned, Cymdeithas or Plaid Cymru, reading the offending words and kindly stating their position on whether the opinion expressed by Alan was representative of the main body of opinion of the members and supporters of their respective organisations? This would be strictly for the record, of course.

This is not going to go away until we know where we stand.

Your plainly puzzled pal.


Saturday, 8 September 2007

With my little Ukulele in my hand.

As a result of circumstances entirely within my control, I will be away this weekend with my Ukulele. I will return Sunday night and apologise in advance for any unanswered posts.

Therefore to all my blog pals, you included Alan, I'll just say...................I'll be back.

Aloha mahalo nui loa Aloha.


Monday, 3 September 2007

Where's the Big Conversation?

In a vain effort, to date, to try and stimulate the so-called "Big Conversation" in Wales, by 'trolling' other Welsh blogs, I am forced to try this Blogging malarkey for myself.

There have many bloggings regarding proposals to bring about 'new and improved' elements of self determination for Wales with many ideas, some of which may have some merit.

Unfortunately, there remains the one stumbling block that, as yet, seems to have been overlooked or unaddressed or hopefully forgotten about, except by me.

Yep! you've got it: the Welsh Language question.

Enshrined in the proposed New Welsh Language Act is a clear attempt to force the Welsh Language down unwilling throats.

Plaid Cymru, Cymuned, The Welsh Language Society and their Nationalist cohorts have been trying for years to encourage, persuade, cajole and otherwise inveigle we monoglots, who form the vast majority of the population of Wales, to learn Welsh and use it alongside English. To what purpose, I have absolutely no idea, apart from possibly showing implied support for the Nationalist cause, which has little actual support throughout Wales.

They have now resorted to the plainly desperate tactic of Legislative force to achieve their goals.

The New Welsh Language Act seeks to compel, on pain of sanctions, any business with five or more employees operating in Wales, to provide their full range of goods and services via the medium of Welsh.

Any company failing to provide this 'service' will leave themselves open to Civil Litigation for punitive damages, by any Tom, Dick or Taffy Welsh speaker for "hurt to their feelings".

It should be firmly noted at this time that there are no Welsh speakers who are not fully conversant in the English language.

Of course the Nationalists will be rubbing their grubby little hands at the prospect of this being a 'nice little earner' for them and their pals.

Naturally, the profligate, with other people's money, Nationalists have given absolutely no thought whatever to the cost of this folly.

Businesses located in, or proposing to locate to Wales will have to factor into their business plans these added linguistic costs. These plans will certainly impinge upon their cost-effectiveness and will plainly reduce their competitiveness.

Further costs will be borne by the Welsh workforce who will be expected to suffer reduced earning potential and prospects in order to fund this demand. No employer would wish to suffer the full cost themselves or would wish to pass on this unneccesary burden to their customers.

Who else is to pay?

Your pecuniary pal.


Where's the Big Conversation?

Please see above.